Discounted Book Stock

$2.00 - $5.00
Sold out

Display, Proof, Damaged, Discontinued, or Copies with Errors.
I'm selling off copies of my books that are not-so-perfect because I can't stand the idea of not giving them a chance for a good home before recycling them.
Descriptions of books and their damage/error are all listed below. Please read carefully before buying, thank you!

Since these books are already damaged/error/proof copies, I cannot refund or return any purchase you make. Stock for these items fluctuates constantly.

--"Bleed" refers to how a page is trimmed. Bleed errors can mean sometimes words or art is cut off in a way it wasn't meant to at the edge of the paper.
--"Proof copy" refers to a copy of a book that was sent to me to make sure there were no errors before I bought the entire stock. As such, they are prone to spelling/grammar/art errors in general.

Currently available books:

Mini-Dom, Chapter 3, PROOF COPY -- Nothing is wrong with them except for the big "PROOF" sticker on the front that you will probably not be able to remove.

Gum/Doc Art book, PROOF COPY -- Nothing is wrong with them except for the big "PROOF" sticker on the front that you will probably not be able to remove.

Solanaceae, Prologue Chapter 8 -- Accidentally got this book staple bound, oops! Pages inside are fine, nothing is wrong with it except for the big "PROOF" sticker on the front that you will probably not be able to remove.

Mini-Dom, Chapter 1 Display Copy -- Mini-Dom, Chapter 1 all by itself! I used this copy for display, so it's a little used and as a $5 sticker on the front.